Saturday, April 19, 2008

N-Acetylcysteine prevents ifosfamide-induced nephrotoxicity in rats

British Journal of Pharmacology (2008) 153, 1364–1372; doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.15; published online 18 February 2008

Ifosfamide nephrotoxicity is a serious adverse effect for children undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Our recent in vitro studies have shown that the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which is used extensively as an antidote for paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning in children, protects renal tubular cells from ifosfamide-induced toxicity at a clinically relevant concentration. To further validate this observation, an animal model of ifosfamide-induced nephrotoxicity was used to determine the protective effect of NAC.

NAC is a common nutrient that I often use to thin mucous secretions for people with colds, and to help balance the immune system for autoimmune conditions.

For more information about this abstract as always click on the title of the post.

For detailed information about NAC and many other herbs and supplements click on the Memorial Sloane Kettering website. Here you will find monographs, with footnotes and their studies. Good stuff