Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tests Done During and After Breast Cancer Treatment

Here's a rundown of the tests you can anticipate both during and after treatment:
Click on the title of the post to go to the article.

Alex writes: In addition to standard medical tests. It may also be prudent to check vitamin and mineral status and other metabollic function tests to more objectively apply nutrition. One important test that is not commonly given is the 25 OH Vitamin D test. Vitamin D has a lot of research about its use in the treatment and prevention of cancer. A vitamin D test can generally be included in your standard blood work from your MD . Tests such as the Metametrix Comprehensive Metabolic Profile are urine and finger prick blood tests that do not require a phlebotomist that are available for purchase from my office.

A single urine specimen provides important information about:
• Insufficiencies of carnitine and NAC
• Specific markers of bacterial dysbiosis
• Lipoic acid and CoQ10 sufficiency
• Functional status of B-vitamins
• Neurotransmitter metabolism
• Mitochondrial energy production
• Methylation sufficiency status
• Detoxification adequacy
• Oxidative stress and antioxidant sufficiency

Urine Lipid Peroxides
In its efforts to produce the chemical energy to power cells and fight infection, the body produces harmful free radicals. Antioxidant supplements can help protect cells from free radical damage that can result in oxidation of cell membranes, forming lipid peroxides. High levels of lipid peroxides are associated with cancer, heart disease, stroke, and aging.

BloodspotSM Fatty Acid Profile (not available in NY)
From a simple finger stick, this unique test measures the ratio of the principle omega-6 (AA) and omega-3 (EPA) fatty acids. The AA/EPA ratio is a measure of the body’s eicosanoid balance, detecting “silent” inflammation that can lead to heart disease and other chronic and inflammatory processes. Also included is an Index of Omega-3 Fatty Acids: the sum of EPA and DHA as a percent of total fatty acids. Studies have shown that this index can be used to estimate a person’s risk of dying from coronary heart disease (CHD). A bloodspot Index of Omega-3 Fatty Acids greater than 1.6 is associated with the greatest cardioprotection, whereas an
index less than 0.75 is associated with the least cardioprotection. With many consumers loading up indiscriminately on fish oils, this profile can also detect omega-3 dominant patterns which can lead to increased peroxidation and immune suppression.

BloodspotSM IgG Food Antibody Profile (not available in NY)
Researchers estimate that at least 60% of the U.S. population suffers from unsuspected food reactions that can cause or complicate health problems. These reactions are difficult to identify since they can occur hours or even days after consumption of an offend-
ing food. In some cases, a person may eat a food for several days before developing a reaction to it, so they may not realize the link between the food and their symptoms. Symptoms can be extraordinarily diverse, ranging from arthritis to eczema to migraines.
For that reason, many health professionals routinely consider food allergies or intolerances when evaluating a patient’s health problems. The BloodspotSM IgG Food Antibody Profile tests for sensitivity to 30 of the most commonly positive food antigens, all
from a single finger stick.