The other week an old friend of Denise's and a patient of mine came over to visit me. She took one look at the bed I am sleeping on downstairs and wondered aloud how do I sleep in this bed. I was defensive at first. What was really wrong with my bed? A lot. When my son graduated from his crib to a bed we went to Ikea and bought him a bed. He is now 13 1/2 so I figure the bed is over 10 years old. The futon mattress after 10 years became "credit card" thin. On top of that I became so used to the foot board that I put a towel over the wood so I could rest my leg on it. I am 6'6". A standard twin is 6'3". It is fabulously lush and firm at the same time. I dreamed I was sleeping in a fancy hotel.
Because of the new bed I have nearly stopped watching TV because there is no TV in the room where the bed is. There is almost nothing to watch on TV anyway. The couch in our living has been used for the past ten years as a trampoline and jungle gym by the kids and it is so worn out that it is like sitting in a bucket. Next to go is the couch.
Thank you for the bed Michelle.