Sunday, September 24, 2006

Rachel Naomi Remen Speaking of Faith

Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen: "You know, sometimes what appears to be a catastrophe, over time becomes a strong foundation from which to live a good life. It's possible to live a good life even though it isn't an easy life. And I think that's one of the best kept secrets in America."

"...And this is why I see people with cancer and other people who have encountered very difficult experiences in their lives as teachers, teachers of wisdom. It's as if the wisdom to live well is — at the moment, the repository of this wisdom are the sick people in our culture, the ill people in our culture."
Rachel Naomi Remen is a Physician, author, healer and founder of the Commonweal Cancer Support Foundation. I first saw her speak in about 1987 at the Noetic Sciences confernce in San Jose, CA. Check out an interview with her on Speaking of Faith, a weekly radio show about all matters spiritual. This is great stuff.